Category: News

All Ages Homemade Valentine Exchange

Let’s spread some love and creativity to each other this February! Join the OBUUC All-Ages Homemade Valentine Exchange. Depending on the number of people who sign up, during the month of February, each person will send a Valentine to 2-3 people in our congregation … read more.

Sunday 9/19/21 Announcements

Sunday, September 19, 2021
Pulpit Guest Rev. Denise Cawley


Offertory Outreach Recipient for September – Feather-A-Nest

Do you Support Adopting the 8th Principle? – Let Roseann Mason know and be added to Supporters List

Vote on 8th Principle – September 26 – immediately … read more.

Immigration Support Congregation Opportunity

April 15 and April 22, 2 pm … 90 minutes

The Good News: The United States is finally processing asylum seekers.

The Opportunity: Asylum Seekers need sponsorship organizations and accompaniment.


The OBUUC Board has approved exploring the opportunity of our congregation, perhaps with other congregations, to sponsor an immigrant or … read more.

VIRTUAL Music Re-Imagined PUBLIC Invitation

OBUUC Music Re-Imagined Press Release

From one music lover to another, we invite you to attend our OBUUC Music Re-Imagined Concert!
 Why ‘Re-Imagined’?   Because we had to re-imagine how to come together in community to present a concert in these covid times.

            Please join us on Saturday, April … read more.

Endowment Fund Message

Endowment Fund Message

May 2021

Ways To Make Sensible Charitable Gifts
in These Times

Make sure your surviving relatives know where to look for your key documents at the time of your passing. In a safe? In a bank? Avoid keeping them guessing!
Know the key elements of your estate … read more.

8th Principle Discussion Zooms

Congregational Meeting Dates

Adopting the 8th Principle

“We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other … read more.

In the Interim by Rev. Eric Meter

First off, I want to thank those who have already written to me with their responses to my question for you all in advance of our Water Ceremony worship service on September 13. The question is What nourishes you now? Short or long(ish), please send … read more.