Middle School
5-8 grade RE meet in the Youth RE classroom after the “Message For All Ages” during services Sept – May. During the summer, middle school youth are valued assistants within Children’s RE.
Building A Better World by Rev. Craig Schwalenberg & Kathy Smith
The curriculum will help participants co-create a world setting for a role-playing game while exploring questions of ethics, morality, and social justice. Participants will explore the topics of race, ecology, mortality, class, abilities, goals, community, gender identity, diversity, exclusion, cultural appropriation, and all of the “ism’s” that plague our attempts to build a better world.
Coming of Age
Youth explore Unitarian Universalism, values, their beliefs, and the various ways they all connect. They will learn about the history of Unitarian Universalism and the deeds of our ancestors. 8th Graders will have the opportunity to create, write, or make a credo statement of their beliefs.
World Religions: Monthly Children’s Chapel: Pagan, Jewish, Sikh, Bahai, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist
World Religion Fieldtrip: The Buddhist Temple of Chicago
All-ages Events 2024-2025
Board Games and Ice Cream Fun Night (September)
Fall Camp (last weekend in September)
Halloween Fun Night (October)
Holiday Parade Hang Out OBUUC building (November)
Christmas Play (December)
Black Light Dessert Potluck and Fun Night (January)
Mystery Valentines and Cupcake Party (February)
St. Patrick’s Day Fun Night (March)
Helping Hands Feed Our Neighbors Vegetable Planting (April)
Spring Brunch (during Coffee Hour) (May)