Finding Our Way Home
Cottage Meeting Results September 19, 2024
Facilities Task Force Survey Results 2024
Updates from the Task Force:
November 2023
January 2024
Meet your Task Force:
Stephon Lyon
Addison Tower
“We are a welcoming, inclusive, intergenerational congregation, rooted in love, actively committed to spiritual growth, and social justice, in service to our community and beyond. Vision Statement affirmed by the congregation in 2023.
We have made the decision, based on our value of inclusivity, to stop meeting on Sunday mornings at our building on 625 College Ave. After speaking with the Access Lift Company, we learned that our lift could not be repaired and needs to be completely replaced. We are focusing on an overall plan. We have contracted with First Pres for holding worship this year while we develop the long-term strategy with the promise of presenting our options next spring.
We are in a time of transition and possibility. The thing about transitions is that they are both challenging, AND an opportunity for discernment and discovery. We are invited to ask questions and reflect on our answers in often deeper and definitely different ways than if we hadn’t been invited, or thrown into, the transition. If we can keep breathing, keep sharing, keep listening, keep wondering, We will have a stronger sense of identity, a deeper understanding of our relationship to the community that surrounds us as we work to find our way home.
Charge to the Task Force
Charge: “The Finding Our Way Home Building Task Force is charged to gather information and make a recommendation for the physical location of Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church.”
The Taskforce will:
- In collaboration with committees, staff, members, and friends of OBUUC, the task force will determine what is necessary and viable for our physical location.
For each of the possible choices, the decision criteria will need to address the following factors:
- Safety – address emergency egress (fire, active shooter, other)
- Security – protection of access from unauthorized individuals (e.g., downstairs during service)
- Accessibility – ADA compliance (equal access for all congregants and visitors)
- Capacity – room for all
- Virtual option – simulcast services
- Explore options with high level cost estimates for the following ideas, and others that may arise during discussion-
- Remodeling 625 College Ave
- Rebuilding on the existing lot
- Sharing space with organizations with comparable values to OBUUC
- Purchasing a physical space
- Report progress monthly to the board of trustees through the task force chair(s)
Oversight: will be provided by the Board of Trustees with updates to the congregation when there is significant information to share.
Timeline: The goal is to have a recommendation for a way forward for congregational vote by May 2024.
Budget: If there is a need for consultation fees, the task force will request funds from the board.
This charge was adopted by the Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church Board on August 16, 2023.
Thank you to our neighbors and friends at First Presbyterian who have welcomed us to worship and be together in their sacred space. It has been a beautiful opportunity to deepen our relationships with our neighbors.