Adult Exploration
Whether you are a newcomer or have been coming to OBUUC for decades, whether you are interested in probing life’s most persistent questions or finding out what others think about today’s news, we have something for you here.
OBUUC offers workshops and discussions to encourage life-long spiritual growth. These classes are free and open to the public, providing spiritual nourishment to the community.
Covenant Groups: First and second Wednesday of the month
A covenant group is a small relational group made up of six to twelve people who meet regularly to establish and nurture themselves in their own beloved community. The groups encourage people to talk and learn together.
World Religions Field Trips: The Buddhist Temple of Chicago, Sikh Temple of Wisconsin
All-ages Events
Board Games and Ice Cream Fun Night (September)
Fall Camp (last weekend in September)
Halloween Fun Night (October)
Holiday Parade Hang Out OBUUC building (November)
Christmas Play (December)
Black Light Dessert Potluck and Fun Night (January)
Mystery Valentines and Cupcake Party (February)
St. Patrick’s Day Fun Night (March)
Helping Hands Feed Our Neighbors Vegetable Planting (April)
Spring Brunch (during Coffee Hour) (May)