Social Justice Overview
Unitarian Universalists believe that every person is sacred and a part of an interdependent web of all existence. When one part of the web breaks or injured, all other parts are injured, and the web needs to be restored. At Olympia Brown UU Church, we believe that social justice is a spiritual path. Injustice is a form of abuse of power. We work to expand our own sense of “other” and “neighbor”. We believe our faith calls us to act. Through working together for social change, we build our commitment to our own faith development.
Our faith-based approach to enacting justice is based on building stronger relationships with each other, supporting our community partners, and connecting with other UUA and justice partners at the state, district, and national level. For our Social Justice work, OBUUC partners with the following local and state groups:
- Racine Interfaith Coalition & their state organization WISDOM
- Voces de la Frontera (including their Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) and New Sanctuary Movement programs)
- Racine Branch of NAACP
- #BlackHumanityNow
- Racine Coalition for Peace and Justice
- LGBT Center of Southeast Wisconsin
- John Muir Chapter of Sierra Club, Clean Power Coalition of Southeast Wisconsin, and Racine Urban Garden Network
- Wisconsin Unitarian Universalist State Action Network (WUUSAN)
We believe that transformative change can come through choosing love over fear or hate, and in restoring right relationships with people and the earth. We believe that incorporating joy and celebration, music, stories, food, and poetry into our gatherings, actions, and meetings builds stronger bonds that nurture us through this journey of living.
We also hold that faith-based justice work is more than obtaining and sharing information or resources. It is about transformation. To transform the world, we need to transform ourselves as well — an ongoing process we are committed to as a community at Olympia Brown UU Church.