Author: DLRE

10/10/21 LGBTQ+ History Made Visible


Worship is different in this space, but it is also the same, for it is a place where we can come with joy or sorrow, with doubt or faith, with comfort or discomfort, as a first time visitor or as one who has come … read more.

10/3/21 Wholly and Holy by Rev. Danielle Lindstrom



Chalice Lighting
We begin our service with shared ritual, lighting our chalice. The symbol of our Unitarian Universalist Faith.
Our words this morning are reading number 419 in our hymnal by Unitarian Minister Robert French Leavens.

Holy and beautiful the custom which brings us together,
… read more.

9/26/21 Be Here for This by Rev. Danielle Lindstrom



Welcome  Our words of welcome by Lyn Cox

Come you accidental pilgrims, you who find yourself on a journey of surprise and wonder. Come you who emerge into this place as an act of liberation. Come you who seek a life of mindfulness and a … read more.

Sunday 9/19/21 Announcements

Sunday, September 19, 2021
Pulpit Guest Rev. Denise Cawley


Offertory Outreach Recipient for September – Feather-A-Nest

Do you Support Adopting the 8th Principle? – Let Roseann Mason know and be added to Supporters List

Vote on 8th Principle – September 26 – immediately … read more.

9/19/21 Covenant is the Cornerstone by Rev. Denise Cawley

Covenant is the Cornerstone

Unitarian Universalism is built on the concept that we are a community that makes promises to one another about how we will be in community with one another. Covenant in religion is thousands of years old, and in Unitarian and Universalist faiths, … read more.

9/5/21 Backwards and Forward Together: Rev. Danielle Lindstrom





Chalice Lighting
We begin our service with shared ritual, lighting our chalice, the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. Our words by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt

The Jewish New Year
commemorates the creation of the world,
the bringing forth of order where once there was only … read more.

8/15/21 Meaningful Poetry

We gather this morning as best we can to restore both our sense of commitment as we face the world as it is and inspiration to act in ways large and small that will foster better days for all. We are more when we … read more.

8/8/21 “Yours, Mine, Ours” by Reverend Danielle



Prelude: Simple Gifts, performed by Anna Kojovic-Frodl


Chalice Lighting
We begin our service with lighting our chalice. The symbol of our Unitarian Universalist tradition. Our words by Rev. Leslie Takahashi

All that we have ever loved and all that we have ever been stands with us … read more.