Author: DLRE

Sunday 9/19/21 Announcements

Sunday, September 19, 2021 Pulpit Guest Rev. Denise Cawley   Offertory Outreach Recipient for September – Feather-A-Nest Do you Support Adopting the 8th Principle? – Let Roseann Mason know and be added to Supporters List Vote on 8th Principle – September 26 – immediately after service   All Details are contained in Friday’s UNIFIER NEWS Weekly Email

9/19/21 Covenant is the Cornerstone by Rev. Denise Cawley

Covenant is the Cornerstone Unitarian Universalism is built on the concept that we are a community that makes promises to one another about how we will be in community with one another. Covenant in religion is thousands of years old, and in Unitarian and Universalist faiths, covenant dates back far before we identified the Principles. … Continue reading 9/19/21 Covenant is the Cornerstone by Rev. Denise Cawley

9/5/21 Backwards and Forward Together: Rev. Danielle Lindstrom

Welcome   Prelude   Chalice Lighting We begin our service with shared ritual, lighting our chalice, the symbol of Unitarian Universalism. Our words by Rev. Kristin Grassel Schmidt The Jewish New Year commemorates the creation of the world, the bringing forth of order where once there was only chaos, the birth of the building blocks … Continue reading 9/5/21 Backwards and Forward Together: Rev. Danielle Lindstrom