Author: DLRE

America the Abundantly Conflicted by Andrea Bumpurs

Prelude“Simple Gifts” arr. Jason Tonioli, performed by Anna Anna Kojovic-Frodl

Call to Worship
One of the new things Rev. Marlene brought us when she came to OBUUC was the Soul Matters program from the UUA. Each month, the UUA choses a different theme … read more.

7/5/20 Summer RE – Curious Cats

Watch this video:

Wondering Questions:
1. Like cats, people are often curious. What are some positive ways of being curious?
2. How does being curious help us learn new things?
3. Curious cats sometimes get into dangerous spots. What are some ways that people … read more.

6/28/20 Summer RE – Box Jellyfish

Box Jellyfish are beautiful but deadly. The box jellyfish is pale blue and transparent. It’s almost invisible. It moves through the water with a dancer’s gentle grace. But beware! This delicate beauty is a dangerous beast.

Box jellyfish live in waters around Australia, Hawaii, and the … read more.

6/21/20 Summer RE – Metalmark Moths

The jumping spider likes making a meal out of moths. So it’s pretty easy to understand why most moths panic when they see these spiders. The scared moths try to fly away. But the jumping spider is quick. Most of the time, the moths end … read more.

The Theology of the Ugly Duckling by Jen Simpkins

Welcome to this online worship service. We may be apart and distant, yet we are home to each other as we gather in this new way.


Prelude – “Beautiful”  by Christina Aguilera – Covered by Ivo Soares


Call To Worship – by Rev. Meg Barnhouse

We gather to … read more.

6/14/20 Summer RE: The Story of the Butterfly

What can you learn from a butterfly?  Watch this video:

What can you learn from a butterfly?


Butterfly life can be difficult, and they are very important for our environment. They are pollinators.

Help butterflies in your neighborhood survive and pollinate flowers, vegetable plants and fruit trees. … read more.