Author: DLRE

8/16/20 Where Hope and Challenge Meet by Rev. Eric Meter

Welcome one and all to the Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church in Racine, WI. I’m the Rev. Eric Meter, the congregation’s interim minister. I’m thrilled to be with all of you on this beautiful mid-August morning. OBUUC, as the congregation is known, is a vibrant … read more.

8/16/20 Summer RE – Hermit Crabs

What can you learn from a hermit crab?

Learn to live together, leave when it’s time, and don’t forget to include your friends.



Wondering Questions:
I wonder if you have ever seen or heard any of this before?
I wonder which part of this lesson is … read more.

8/9/20 Summer RE – Sea Turtles

What can we learn from Sea Turtles?

We can learn to over come obstacles, keep trying, and don’t look back.

Keep going and working ceaselessly until you reach your goal.

Chase down your dream and keep moving forward!


Watch these videos:




Wondering Questions:

I wonder if you have ever seen or … read more.

8/9/20 Love Will Guide Us by Rev. Eric Meter


Prelude “Prelude II” by George Gershwin, Glenn Mehrbach, piano


Chalice Lighting
We light our chalice to words by Lois Van Leer:
We light this chalice –
not because we must
but because we may.
We light this chalice –
not because we have the truth
… read more.

8/2/20 Peace and Justice by Leann Pomaville

Welcome to this online worship service. In the words of Bryan Stevenson, “We can’t recover from this history until we deal with it.”  It’s time to break the chain.

Prelude: “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke


Call To Worship: “Let America Be America Again” by … read more.

8/2/20 Summer RE -Ants

What can we learn from Ants?  Watch these videos:

Wondering Questions:
I wonder if you have ever seen or heard any of this before?
I wonder which part of this lesson is the most important?
I wonder which part you like the best?
I wonder how … read more.

7/26/20 Summer RE – Friendly Dolphins

Watch these videos:


Wondering Questions
1. Dolphins always seem like they’re smiling. They aren’t really smiling. It’s just the way they look. But it helps people feel friendlier toward them. How can smiling also affect relationships that people have with each other?
2. Dolphins show problem-solving … read more.

7/26/20 Too Many Heroes by Andrea Bumpurs

Good morning! Welcome to the Sunday, July 26, 2020 service of Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church of Racine, Wisconsin. I am Andrea Bumpurs, a member of the Worship Committee, and I will be conducting today’s service.


Prelude: “Scriabin Op 16 No 1” by Anna … read more.

7/19/20 Harmony in the Key of We by Nada Kutz

Welcome – Good morning and welcome to this online worship service. Though we are apart in body, our hearts and souls are one.


Prelude – “Finlandia” (We Would Be One) – J. Sibelius, performed by Anna Kojovic-Frodl


Call to worship – Carl G. Seaburg
Let there … read more.

7/19/20 Summer RE – Clever Crows

Watch these videos about crows.

Did you know crows recognize people?


Crows have learned to use tools.

Wondering Questions:

Crows are great problem solvers. Can you think of ways that people solve problems?

Some problems are really difficult, and crows try the problem over and over.  What are … read more.