Category: News

Order an OBUUC T-shirt

Order one of our t-shirts online at Threadless and have it delivered directly to your home. Olympia Brown UU Church does receive profit from each sale.  If you have an idea for a UU or OBUUC related design, contact Leann (

UNICEF Sunday is October 20th

The children will be Trick or Treating for UNICEF during coffee hour. Please bring your change and help fill their UNICEF boxes! Bake Sale: help us raise money for children around the world by donating baked goods to the bake sale. A table will be … read more.

Annual Fruits & Nuts Sale Needs Coordinator

We are in need of someone who can take over advertising, collecting and tallying orders, submitting the order and then pick up the order in Milwaukee, sort and bag the items for delivery to members/friends. If you like doing this kind of thing and have … read more.

Energy of Generosity

Howard Zinn wrote that “to be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.” _Zinn, The Optimism of Uncertainty, (2004). What gives us the … read more.

Good Shepherd Committee

If you can use any of the following durable medical equipment, please contact Shirley Reynolds at 635-0701 to arrange a loan: crutches, walkers, canes, IV stand, folding wheelchair, bedside commode, portable male urinal bottle with a lid.
And if you have any medical equipment sitting around … read more.

Why is Multigenerational Important

For over a year, we’ve had multigenerational services at least once a month.  This is one of the Family Ministry concepts Rev. Marlene and I decided needed to be established at OBUUC.  We design these services with as much movement, music, and participation as possible, … read more.

In the Interim June 2019

We are fortunate to have Rev. Erika Hewitt coming to Racine to lead a workshop on worship for us. I encourage anyone to attend – most especially anyone who has served as a worship associate or worship leader. Come learn about UU worship. And it … read more.

From the DLRE: Honoring our UU Identity

Honoring our UU Identity
(excerpt from Soul Matters; Sharing Circle)
by Leann Pomaville, DLRE

Early History – Who were we?
The two greatest leaders in the early 19th century, Universalist Hosea Ballou and Unitarian William Ellery Channing, lived within easy walking distance of each other and had prominent Boston … read more.