We are fortunate to have Rev. Erika Hewitt coming to Racine to lead a workshop on worship for us. I encourage anyone to attend – most especially anyone who has served as a worship associate or worship leader. Come learn about UU worship. And it will be fun! See information below.
Plan Now to Attend
Revitalizing Worship: Risking Out Loud
with Rev. Erika Hewitt
Saturday, August 17, 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
at OBUUC – Church & Annex
How can we make room for those familiar practices as well as the creative edge? What does a revitalized worship life require of its leaders?
This day will include:
- intervals of meditation and worship
- thoughtful exploration of practical worship tools
- invitations to cultivate a responsible sense of authority
- opportunities to experiment with new practices
- awareness of how worship intersects with dismantling systemic oppression
About Rev. Erika Hewitt
Erika serves as the half-time minister of the Midcoast UU Fellowship in Damariscotta, Maine. She also serves half-time on the staff of the UUA, coordinating and shaping worship materials for our UU congregations.
Ericka is the author of Story, Song and Spirit and The Shared Pulpit. Her third book, Sparks of Wonder: Theme-Based Ministry for the Whole Congregation was co-written with educator Becky Brooks, and will be published in the summer 2019.
General Assembly and July
Rev. Walker will be attending the UUA General Assembly
in Spokane, WA from June 13-25th.
She will also be on vacation during the month of July.
Available for pastoral emergencies only.