Author: DLRE

12/27/20 Making Space for Stillness by Suzanne Landis and Lisa Scott Ptacek

Welcome: At this moment we seek to make a place for stillness, for an inner sense of calm, for a peace that passes understanding.  Our call to worship, “Reaching for the Sun,” by the Rev. Angela Herrera, invites us to such a place.   Call to Worship:   “Reaching for the Sun”  by Rev. Angela Herrera … Continue reading 12/27/20 Making Space for Stillness by Suzanne Landis and Lisa Scott Ptacek

12/13/20 Finding Stillness Despite the Cacophonies of Life by Reverend Eric Meter

Welcome: We gather together this morning as best we can to restore in one another’s company a sense that we are anchored in hope during a season of cold and more solitude than we may be used to or comfortable with. Together, we remember and proclaim that are more when we are gathered: wiser, more … Continue reading 12/13/20 Finding Stillness Despite the Cacophonies of Life by Reverend Eric Meter

11/29/20 When Tears are Not Enough (Justice Making in an Unjust World) by Rev. Eric Meter

Welcome: We gather together this morning as best we can to restore both our sense of commitment and courage as we face the world as it is. We are more when we are together, wiser, more resilient and more able. finding inspiration in the struggles of the past and courage for what lies ahead. Because … Continue reading 11/29/20 When Tears are Not Enough (Justice Making in an Unjust World) by Rev. Eric Meter

11/29/20 Children’s RE

Watch the Video Wondering Questions: • The stork cares about his friend, the cloud, and wants to help him, even though the cloud is making dangerous animals. Do you stand by your friends no matter what? Do your friends stand by you? • The stork keeps getting injured by the animals his cloud is creating, … Continue reading 11/29/20 Children’s RE

11/22/20 Children’s RE

Wondering Questions: Have you ever stopped a friend from doing something they shouldn’t? How did they respond? Have you ever done something you thought you probably shouldn’t, just because you were afraid someone would make fun of you for not doing it?     Activity: Bubbling Experiment

11/15/20 Diwali

    Make a chalice in honor of the diyas lit during Diwali.