Watch the Video
Wondering Questions:
• The stork cares about his friend, the cloud, and wants to help him, even though the cloud is making dangerous animals. Do you stand by your friends no matter what? Do your friends stand by you?
• The stork keeps getting injured by the animals his cloud is creating, but he still helps. Do you still help your friends, even when it means doing something that you don’t find enjoyable?
• The cloud becomes upset when he thinks his stork has left him. How does he react? Can you understand why he acted this way?
• The stork went for help to figure out a way to still help his stork without getting hurt. If you want to help someone you care about and you don’t know how to do that, who would you go to for help?
Activity: Make a Paper Stork Puppet
• 2 squares of red paper
• 1 white paper circle
• 2 black paper circles for eyes
• 2 white paper circles for eyes
• Glue Stick