It’s been a busy past month as we start a new year. We had a wonderful turnout for the Covenant of Right Relationship Workshop and did very important work that will be ongoing. We Lifted Off our Annual Budget Drive. We also had a good visit with Rev. Keith Kron, Director of the UUA’s Transitions Department as he explained the options available to OBUUC as you prepare to move towards your future ministry.
In the question and answer sessions following each service I heard your concerns and frustration about the depth of grief some of you are still feeling about Tony’s being gone and concern that we have not done enough to address that. I hear you! In the coming weeks I will be working with the board and the interim transition team to come up with some concrete ways and programming that we can begin to help us do that. In the meantime I encourage any of you who are struggling with Tony’s being gone to come and speak with me. I want to know what is in your thoughts and hearts so that together we can begin to find ways to heal and move forward.