When my children were babies and toddlers I diligently read books and websites about child development. My favorites were the books by Louise Bates Ames and Frances L. Ilg of the Gesell Child Development Institute at Yale. During these years of reading I never focused on my children’s faith formation, instead I wanted to know how much sleep they should be getting, what to do when they bit each other, and when to start giving them chores. Yet, in order to engage children in spiritual practices it is important to know how they develop in the area of faith formation.
The Rethink Group and Think Orange have created phases of faith formation that children go through as they develop. If you have children or grandchildren, work with children or just like children you’ll probably find these incredibly interesting and useful.
New Baby (Year 1)
Faith Formation: This is a of year wonder and awe. Tell them they are a child of the universe in words and actions. Take walks and point out the wonders around you. Make eye contact often; hold them close. Smile; use loving words. Connect with your faith community. Incorporate your faith into your routines.
Faith Formation: This is a of year wonder and awe. Tell them they are a child of the universe in words and actions. Take walks and point out the wonders around you. Talk, sing, pray, bless, and be thankful together. Reinforce simple ideas. Talk to your toddler. Play music as you go. Be personal. Spend 1 on 1 time that communicates love and affection. Provide comfort. Connect with your faith community. Incorporate your faith into your routines.
Faith Formation: This is a of year wonder and awe. Tell them they are a child of the universe in words and actions. Here come the questions; answer simply. Encourage their curiosity. Take walks and point out the wonders around you. Create rituals. Light the chalice. Introduce prayer. Be personal. Spend 1 on 1 time that communicates love and affection. Provide comfort. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear at church. Live your faith. Prompt sharing with items and feelings.
Faith Formation: This is a of year wonder and awe. Tell them they are a child of the universe in words and actions. Your child has many questions; answer simply. Prompt them to help. Create rituals. Light the chalice. Say grace. Practice kindness and gratitude. Prompt helpfulness. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear and learn at church. Live your faith. Prompt sharing about items and feelings.
Five-year-old (Kindergarten)
Provoke Discovery. Take long walks and explore. Find answers to questions together. Live your faith. Make church a priority. But also talk about church and faith at other times than Sunday. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear and learn at church. Prompt them to be of service to the family and to others. Practice kindness and gratitude. Prompt sharing about items and feelings. Connect 7 principles (promises) to your daily life.
First Grade
Faith Formation: Provoke Discovery. Read faith books together. Interpret life events informally. Help make wise choices. Treat others as you want to be treated. Live your faith. Make church a priority. But also talk about church and faith at other times than Sunday. Connect 7 principles (promises) to your daily life. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear and learn at church. Prompt them to be of service to the family and to others. Be an example of how to be a friend. Prompt sharing about items and feelings.
Second Grade
Faith Formation: Provoke Discovery. Read faith books and talk about them. Throughout the week talk about faith together. Share your faith story. Live your faith. Help make wise choices. Treat others as you want to be treated. Connect 7 principles (promises) to your daily life. Make church a priority. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear and learn at church. Encourage them to act on their impulses to help others. Instill purpose. Interpret life events informally. Establish values with intentional conversations. Close the day with heart conversations.
Third Grade
Faith Formation: Provoke Discovery. Prayer, meditation, ritual become more personal. Help develop quiet time alone. But continue to talk about faith together. Connect 7 principles to your daily life. Help make wise choices. Learn about leaders that share your values and live them in the world. Make church a priority. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear and learn at church. Talk about your faith story. Give to the church. Help others. Talk about what is right? What is wrong Establish values with intentional conversations. Close the day with heart conversation.
Fourth Grade
Faith Formation: Provoke Discovery. Fuel healthy friendships. Prayer, meditation, ritual become more personal. Help develop quiet time alone. But continue to talk about faith together. Talk about how others feel. Help make wise choices. Learn about leaders that share your values and live them in the world. Look at how people can make a difference in the world. Make church a priority. Connect with your faith community. Talk about what they hear and learn at church. Talk about your faith story. Give to the church. Help others. Talk about what is right? What is wrong? Talk about consequences. Establish values/principles with intentional conversations.
Fifth Grade
Faith Formation: Provoke Discovery. Encourage spiritual practices. Encourage quiet time alone but continue to talk about faith together. Talk about how faith isn’t easy. What is important to them? Learn about leaders that share your values and live them in the world. Look at how people can make a difference in the world. Connect 7 principles here. Prioritize Church connections. What is the wisest choice in this situation? If you were them, how would you wanted to be treated? Establish values/principles with intentional conversations.
Next Month I’ll continue with middle and high school