Olympia Brown UU Church Indoor Policy – condensed October 2022
As a community that values inclusion and collective care, we strive to create in-person situations that don’t inadvertently exclude those at higher risk or create situations that force those at higher risk to publicly identify themselves. Our decision-making centers on the needs of the most vulnerable. These policies will be revised as needed by the Re-Opening Committee which meets regularly.


Indoor worship at church is available on Sunday morning. There is no restriction as to the number of attendees; registration isn’t required.

As members of a Beloved Church Community, we have the responsibility of self-care and are accountable for caring for one another. Anyone with symptoms of viral infection, Positive Test, or Covid exposure, should refrain from attending church services or gatherings.

Mask Requirements
High quality face masks (3-ply medical, KN95 or N95) are required for 3 years and older within the church building. Masks should be properly fitted and cover the person’s mouth and nose.

Presenters are allowed to temporarily remove their masks while they are speaking. They should maintain physical distance (6 feet) from others whenever their mask is removed.

The Choir will wear masks while singing indoors. A soloist or group of 3 or less may sing while unmasked. They should maintain physical distance (6 feet) from others whenever their mask is removed. The congregation will be informed if there will be an unmasked singing.

Those attending worship in person are strongly encouraged to be fully vaccinated as their age and personal situation allow. Proof of vaccination is not required.

Full Covid-19 vaccination is required for staff.

Online Worship
Services will be streamed to YouTube with a Zoom Coffee Hour after the service.

Food and Drink
Due to the mask requirement, there is no food or drink within the sanctuary.

Indoor Gatherings
Gatherings will be held in George Bray Hall and/or the Church Sanctuary and scheduled with the Congregational Administrator.
Gatherings will last two hours maximum, attendees must wear high quality face masks (3-ply medical, KN95 or N95), and due to the mask requirement, no food or drink will be shared indoors.

Sunday RE Protocols for George Bray Hall
High quality masks (3-ply medical, KN95 or N95) are required in the church building for anyone 3 or older. Cloth masks are not allowed. Child sized high quality masks will be provided if needed.

To improve air circulation a fan will be running in George Bray Hall. HEPA Air filters will be placed in the nursery, the classroom near the elevator, and the main area of George Bray Hall.

As part of our registration form parents have the opportunity to decide if they are ok with their children eating in the large group (masks off to eat) or if they want their children to eat in a family group away from the others.

The number of adults waiting in line for the bathroom is limited to 2.