5/3/20 Children’s RE

Watch the video: The Empty Pot by Demi

Wondering Questions:
I wonder which part you like the best?
I wonder where you are in this story?
I wonder how it feels to be good at growing things?
I wonder how it feels to be as old as the Emperor?
I wonder how the Emperor felt about having to choose another Emperor?
I wonder how it feels to receive a seed?
I wonder how it feels to plant a seed?
I wonder how it feels when the seed won’t grow?
I wonder how it feels when a friend does better than you?
I wonder how Ping felt about bringing the empty pot to the Emperor?
I wonder if you have ever felt like Ping?
I wonder what it feels like to tell the truth?
I wonder how Ping felt about being chosen Emperor?
I wonder what the seed really is?
I wonder what the empty pot really is?
I wonder if this lesson reminds you of any of our Rainbow Promises?

Activity: Regrow from Vegetables and Herbs

How Do Seeds Grow?

This is a Green Promise Story