9/6/20 Work and Love by Rev. Eric Meter

Welcome Good morning everyone. Welcome to the Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church in Racine, WI. I’m the Rev. Eric Meter, the congregation’s interim minister. I’m thrilled to be with all of you on this beautiful early September morning. We gather together this morning so that our courage may be renewed, our convictions restored. We are more when we are together: stronger, wiser, more resilient and able. Because of this OBUUC, as the congregation is known, is a vibrant congregation. For further information, please see our website… obuuc.org.


Prelude Chopin Op 28 No 6 performed by Anna Kojovic-Frodl


Chalice Lighting

We light our chalice this morning to these words by Orlanda Brugnola:

Flame, friend of our most ancient ancestors,
we kindle you now to make you visible in this time.

Yet, in truth, you burn always,

In the unique worth of each person, in the imagination,

In the turning of the heart to sorrow or joy,

In the call to hope
and in the call to justice.
Burn bright before us.

Burn bright within us.

Our Chalice is lit.


Gesture of Friendship


Search Committee Anncouncement

Hi, I’m Mike Rude a member of the Settled Minister Search Committee and we have BIG NEWS. (blow horn). Today is the day that you will receive the Congregational Survey in your inbox!! Once again, I want to stress the importance of filling out this survey. It will lay the Foundation for other information gathering we will be doing in the near future. The Survey information you provide will be key to learn more about ourselves and, also will help any prospective ministers in Search gain a better understanding of our congregation. The Survey is your first chance to give us your input and have your voice be heard on what is important to you. It will take about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. There are a variety of types of questions: essay, fill in the blank and pick 1-5.

Here is a sampling of questions for you to ponder.

What do you like best about our congregation?

What are the top three roles of our minister?

How has OBUUC helped you during the current crisis?

The deadline for filling out the survey is Monday, September 21st.

That gives you 2 weeks to complete the survey so don’t let it get lost in your inbox. The survey should be filled out by each individual OBUUC member of a household.

For those without internet connection, or don’t use email, a survey is being mailed to them.

When you receive the survey, I encourage you to open it right away. Please block off that half hour of time, fill it out and return it! So, sit back, take a moment and think about what really matters to you at OBUUC and we will use that information to find a new minister for our beloved church.


Hymn #357 Bright Morning Stars, Chancel Choir Oakland



Message For All Ages The Old Woman Who Named Things by Cynthia Rylant



Children’s Blessing



Reflection Love and Work by Reverend Eric Meter



The Olympia Brown Unitarian Universalist Church is a community of generosity and abundance.

Especially in this challenging and anxious time, your generosity is what keeps this community as vital as it is.

For more information on how to donate to OBUUC, please visit the church website.

This month, our collection plate donations help support the work of the Sentinel Mentors, a mentoring and social enterprise initiative for black youth, young adults and families located in Racine.

Mentoring sessions are primarily facilitated inside the public schools. Funds donated will be used to help create the Racine Black Legacy Project which is an online museum and historical archive for local black history.

Racine’s black history needs to be more visible to the entire community and especially the black community.



Closing Song Pete Seeger, Step by Step the Longest March



Before this time is closed, let me leave you with a prayer by Lisa Friedman

Spirit of Life and Love,
we live in a fragmented world that tempts us to despair.

We would put it back together, piece by piece
if it were ours to choose.

But sometimes the fragments are enough.

In a world of cruelty,

There is still power in every act of kindness.

In a time of doubt,

There is still power in every act of hope.

In an age of division,

There is still power in every act of unity.

May we remember that sometimes the fragments of meaning we make are just the right size to hold in our hands.

This morning’s chalice is extinguished, but our connections and faith remain.


Postlude Scriabin Op 16 No 5 performed by Anna Kojovic-Frodl