5/3/20 Faith Formation on the Threshold by DLRE Leann Pomaville

Welcome to this online worship service. We may be apart and distant, yet we are home to each other as we gather in this new way.


Prelude “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” – Brother Sun


Call To Worship by Sophia Lyon Fahs
Let us all worship together. Let us venture together into the future of faith, determined to
keep faith alive because our humanity is only complete when our believing selves are
strong and healthy.


Kindling of the Chalice Flame “A Power at Work in the Universe” by Tom Schade
My friends,
There is a power at work in the universe.
It works through human hands,
but it was not made by human hands.
It is a creative, sustaining, and transforming power
and we can trust that power with our lives
[and with our ministries].
It will sustain us whenever we take a stand on the side of love;
whenever we take a stand for peace and justice;
whenever we take a risk.
Trust in that power.
We are, together, held by that power.


Love be with you and all living things.


Gesture of Friendship: Heart Sign with hands


Message For All Ages “Tomorrow I’ll Be Brave” by Jessica Hische


Hymn #1017 “Building A New Way” – Work o’ the Weavers (Martha Sandefer)


Reading by Kim Sweeney
We are in rapidly evolving times, and it is mission critical that we empower one another to face this truth head on. The future of our faith is hanging in the balance. Our faith is asking us to move into a space of not knowing. An evolution of faith formation is the
faithful response. We may not be able to fully imagine or visualize the future of faith formation. We may be confronted with experiments that do not go as planned. It is okay to experiment and not succeed. Our power of expertise is gone. Commitment, courage, and the ingenuity of the congregation are all needed now, during the spiritual moment of our time.

In the words of Sophia Lyon Fahs:
“We are searching for new words and new thoughts. Indeed, we stand aquiver on the threshold of a new day; none sees clearly what is in the distance beyond our present experience. The possibilities are as yet untried. But there is a thrill and a glowing hope in being part of a young movement, even though it be small and may long be unpopular.”

Invitation to Thought by Rev. Marlene Walker

Video Montage “Why Faith Formation Is Important” by Analisa Follensbee, Lincoln Domanoski, Christy Domanoski, and Andrea Bumpurs





Hymn #318 We Would Be One


Closing Words by Carrie Newcomer
I believe longing toward something that is sacred and whole is part of the human condition. To lean into the light and into hope is not about wishful or positive thinking. Hope is about doing the heart opening and gritty daily work of getting up each morning and trying again (each in our own way) to make the world just a little kinder place. To be cynical is so easy. When you are cynical, you are never disappointed. But when you choose to hope, to take the risk that eventually your heart will be broken- and then to get up the next morning and try again. Hope is the conscious choice to live leaning into something of reason and light.

Postlude “How Can I Keep From Singing” – Brother Sun