Guidelines for Requesting Childcare
Childcare will be provided only if requested by the organizers/leaders for: committee meetings, church social events, adult RE courses, other church-sponsored events. These are considered non-worship church events.
Non-worship Church Events
The Director of Lifespan Religion Education (DLRE) will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to the event, that childcare is needed. This notification will include the number of children needing childcare with parent/guardian names.
The DLRE will schedule childcare for the event. Childcare staff and teens will be paid the same amount they are paid for nursery during Sunday service.
At least one parent or guardian must attend the event.
A parent or guardian will sign-in their child(ren) with the following information – name of child, cell phone number of parent or guardian attending the event.
The DLRE, DLRE Substitute, or Minister must be present during the event.
Non-worship Church Sponsored Events Open To The Public
The public event must be held at Olympia Brown UU Church.
The DLRE will be notified at least 2 weeks prior to the event that childcare is needed. This notification will include the number of children needing childcare with parent/guardian contact information.
The DLRE will schedule the number of childcare staff needed based on the estimate. Two staff minimum for 10 children, with an additional staff per every 5 additional children.
The DLRE or Substitute DLRE will be one of the staff present.
Staff and teens will be paid the same amount they are paid for nursery during Sunday service.
At least one parent or guardian must attend the event.
For children not registered for OBUUC Religious Education: A parent or guardian will sign-in their child(ren) with the following information – name, age, cell phone number of parent or guardian attending the event.
Diaper changes will be performed by a parent or guardian.
A disruptive child will be removed from childcare and returned to the parent or guardian attending the event.