Child Care Policies and Procedures
- Child Care Providers
- “Child Care Providers” are individuals aged 18 or older, who volunteer or are hired by church staff to care for children (generally age 3 and under) for a specific time period or event.
- “Youth Child Care Providers” are persons aged 14 and up who are hired to care for children. Persons under age 18 must always be in the room with an adult and must not be left alone with children.
- Adult Child Care Providers are screened by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education which includes a criminal background check.
- Youth Child Care Providers are screened and supervised by the Director of Lifespan Religious Education.
- Child Care
Church-sponsored childcare is provided by paid and volunteer caregivers as follows:
- To infants and/or toddlers during Sunday morning church services,
- To multi-age groups of children during non-worship church sponsored events such as meetings, membership orientation classes, adult education classes, and adult-oriented social events.
- Nursery Care
- All Children are welcome in the church service.
- Nursery is for infants and toddlers through age 3.
- Once a child reaches age 4, they will join our Children’s Religious Education Program. Children younger than 4 are welcome to join the RE program after consultation with the Director of Lifespan Religious Education.
- Parents/guardians are welcome to stay in the nursery with their child but are unable to be considered a caregiver for any other children.
- Children shall not be left unattended in the nursery.
- There shall be a minimum of two child care providers in all situations.
- Youth child care providers must be supervised by an adult and will not be left alone with children. An exception is made if no adult child care provider is available, two youths may care for the children if the door is kept open and a frequent check-in is made by the DLRE or Substitute RE Teacher. Parents must be informed if two youth child care providers are caring for their children.
- Program Times and Pick-up
- The nursery is available year-round.
- Early drop-off is available 15 minutes prior to service.
- The nursery closes 15 minutes after the service has ended.
- A parent/guardian will sign-out their child(ren) before removing them from the nursery.
- There is no supervision for children after they are picked up from the nursery. The expectation is that children will not leave the building without expressed parental consent. Families are responsible for communicating these expectations.
- Sign-In and Registration.
- A registration form must be completed for each child that stays in the nursery.
- A parent or guardian must sign in their child by putting their child’s name on the sign-in sheet and fill out a registration form if one is not already on file.
- The sign in sheet will have a space for parents/guardians to write their cell phone number so child care providers may contact them if needed.
- Visitors will fill out a Nursery Visitor Registration form on their first visit. After 3 visits a parent/guardian must fill out a Nursery Registration Form.
- At least one parent/guardian must remain on premises at all times while a child is in the nursery.
- Untearable paper wristbands are available as a child check system. A parent and child can wear a wristband with the same number and the wristbands are checked before the parent leaves with the child. (A parent must ask a child care provider for wristbands)
- Snacks
- Snacks will be provided each Sunday. Snacks are not to be considered a meal.
- Parents/Guardians are responsible for alerting the program to special allergies or dietary needs. There is a place on the registration form for this information. If information changes throughout the year, parents/guardians are to contact the DLRE. Families of children with special dietary conditions should bring their own snack or communicate easy to purchase alternatives to the DLRE. The DLRE may ask the family to supply the snacks if the dietary needs are complicated.
- Diapering, Bathroom Use, and Toileting
- Diapering/toileting for registered children is provided with parental/guardian permission (see registration form).
- The “two person” rule applies when diapering children and during bathroom trips. Diapers should be changed in the nursery, where two unrelated adults are present. Under no circumstances should one volunteer take a child into a bathroom or other separate room for a diaper change. For children over age 4, parents are required to handle all bathroom needs.
- Health and Safety
- We strive to maintain a clean, healthy environment in our nursery. Caregivers must wash their hands before beginning child care. We provide toys and activities that are safe and age appropriate. If you observe or notice something you feel is unsafe, please bring it to the attention of the Director of Lifespan Religious Education.
- If an injury in the nursery results in a bump, bruise, or requires a band-aid, the caregiver will issue a Child Injury Report. One copy of the report goes to the parent of the injured child, and one copy remains on file in the church office.
- Children who manifest a fever or other signs of possible infectious disease should not be cared for in the nursery. If a caregiver sees signs of illness, the parent/guardian will be notified and asked to remove the child from the nursery.
- If a child comes down with a communicable disease (i.e., chicken pox) shortly after attending the nursery, a parent/guardian must notify the Minister or Director of Lifespan Religious
- To keep each other healthy we recommend that children participating in nursery are up to date on vaccinations.
- Children should be free from fever or vomiting for a period of 24 hours before
participating in the nursery. - In the event a child has a visible skin rash, pink eye, ringworm, or lice the child
should refrain from participating in the nursery or other OBUUC activities, until seen by a doctor. - If a child or a child’s household member is experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, a
Positive Covid19 test or Covid exposure, all household members should refrain from attending OBUUC.
Fire Emergency and Drills
In the event of a fire or fire alarm, caregivers shall lead children out of the room, taking the Sign-In Sheet with them. They shall ensure that all children are out of the room. Caregivers and children shall gather in the designated meeting place. The DLRE or his/her designee shall check in with all caregivers prior to a return to the nursery or, in the event of a serious fire, at a designated safe location.