We Bid – We Win! O’Brown Autumn Auction

Saturday, November 2, 2019
4:30 – 8:30 p.m. at Racine Masonic Center
so be sure to SAVE THE DATE and Register Now!

There’s plenty of room at the Racine Masonic Center, so… help us clear the 100 mark and register today. Bring the kids, grandkids, bring a friend or 2 or 3. This is NOT restricted to church members/friends only. For planning purposes of our New-Style Buffet, we have a deadline of Oct 20, so let us know today that you will be there to fill a table of 8 with other family members and friends.

Calling All Artists and Crafters!!
Sandy Pendell and Cynthy McCrory, our coordinators of this corner of our Auction, need to know what you are willing to donate from your collection of hand-crafted items. If not you, then maybe someone you know! Maybe you know someone willing to donate a numbered piece (framed or not), or a signed piece of art. Maybe you crochet or knit hats, mittens, socks; or dishcloths and dishtowels. Perhaps you know someone who makes jewelry, does pottery or other mixed media. Greeting cards are another great possibility.

Think about your donations and bring them in now… or fill out the SERVICES form or the SIGN UP EVENT form TODAY!!


10/20 “Services” Donation Forms
10/20 “Sign Up Event” Donation Forms
10/20 Final Advanced Registration (so we can plan food!)

(send all Forms/Payment to Annex or put in collection plate)

“Goods” Donations now being accepted!
We will accept donations of “Goods” at the Annex only
– do not bring donations to Church –
All items need a form with your name and a description attached to it.
Dates for delivery of donations to Annex:

10/8 – 10/11 Tuesday thru Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
10/13 Sunday – 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
10/15 – 10/18 Tuesday thru Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
10/20 Sunday – 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
10/22 – 10/25 Tuesday thru Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Items MUST be clean and in good condition. Do not donate rummage.
Large items (i.e., furniture, sports equipment, bikes)
should have a picture taken and submitted with a description.
These items will not be received in advance of the Auction.

FINAL donation deadline for “GOODS” is Friday, 10/25/19 – no exceptions!