Energy of Generosity

Howard Zinn wrote that “to be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic. It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness.” _Zinn, The Optimism of Uncertainty, (2004). What gives us the energy to act now to send our lives and this world spinning in a positive direction?  What unleashes your generosity?
Being part of our Olympia Brown UU community helps me to see generosity as a state of mind that goes beyond money and material goods. The connections and relationships we build add wealth to my life. Working for justice in this world builds wealth and helps me feel stronger today.  Planting seeds for a healthier church and world community tomorrow builds energy. Unleashing the power of generosity and working to build the financial resources of our church community gives us the energy to act today.
This month we will continue the work of preparing for the upcoming annual stewardship financial commitment campaign. Please thank your 2020 team that will include Linda Wetherbe as Co-chair, Nancy Westman, Jim Kuntzelman, Andy McLean, Sue Fergus and Rev. Marlene Walker.  Betsy Tower, Susan Binzel, plus Holly, Samantha, and Gabrielle Guzman have already generously committed their time for the Fellowship Kick-off dinner on January 31, 2020! We are still building the team of volunteers and invite your help! More details to follow.
~by Diane Lange, Co-Chair of 2020 Annual Stewardship Commitment Campaign